Message from Superintendent Kathy Amos 10/17/2024
Dear YCS Families,
I know and appreciate how hard everyone is working to get our community back on track. The flooding was devastating throughout our entire county, however, our tough mountain spirit, love and support of all these teams and groups that are coming to help us, and the community supporting each other through this crisis will get us back in working order over time.
I want to give an update on our schools:
Our teachers will be coming in next week for modified times to help us further assess any damages as we prepare for building inspections down the road.
Derek Murphy and our school maintenance crew have been working closely with the town and county as we continue to get electricity, water, sewer, internet service and gas lines operating in our buildings. They are running tests, making repairs and running tests again. We must have a consistent working infrastructure in place so we can one day start school safely for everyone. Thank you again to everyone who is helping to restore all of these facilities.
Big shout outs to all of our employees, principals, teachers, directors, custodians and child nutrition workers who have helped meet the needs of our county. Thank you to:
Dr. Heather Cox, Andrea Allen and Lynne Deyton for their leadership at BRES and the work at the Red Cross shelter, donations and meals in the cafeteria.
Rebecca Fox and the donations and supplies at CRMS.
Daron Williams, Ryan Ray, Amanda Ogle and Cynthia Deyton for their work at MHHS with donations, supplies, mission teams and the National Guard support.
William Byland at EYMS for supplies and the very nice set up for the community. There are showers, laundry services and restrooms set up on the football/soccer field. All free to everyone in the community.
Dr. Brent Laws, Melanie Bennett and Margie Stebbeds for their work at BES. Donations and hosting the linemen to help us get our power back on in Yancey County. An excellent job to all of our linemen with French Broad Electric and Duke Energy.
Julia Silvers, Kristin Buchanan and Carla McMahan have done incredible work at STES with donations. Miss Tina and Miss Marsha have been feeding groups as we restore our communities.
Kim Bennett and I are seeking state, federal and grant funds to help us restore our losses from the flood damage. We received a $175,000 WNC Community Foundation grant yesterday to help meet the needs of our students, employees and county.
Sonya Wheat and Eddie Laws are getting all of our technology systems back in working order.
At MES the insurance inspectors are working with ServPro to clean the building over the next several weeks and months.
The Fire Departments and churches have spent many hours serving others. Wow, what incredible work!
To our students:
Thank you right now for volunteering, helping in our schools and churches, helping your family and neighbors, and assisting with our community members in need.
We have students who are in NCSSM and MCC classes. Thank you for studying, reading and keeping on as we all work to get back to our routines one day.
I am so proud of all of our students - such good kids throughout our community. You all are why we work so hard to support you and your family. Keep your head up, stay strong and keep up the faith. If you need anything, please reach out to a trusted adult, teacher, parent or principal. We will get through this natural disaster together.
We also have teachers, employees and people in the county who can assist you with the FEMA paperwork. People are getting reimbursements for their damages to the homes and property. Encourage community members to visit Fred’s or the distribution centers to help you get your homes and families back in order. I know we are not used to asking for help because we are strong, independent mountain people, but now is the time to accept the generosity of those who love us and this beautiful place we call home.
Schools will be closed for students next week. We encourage families to drop in and let us know how we can help you. Faculty and staff members report to their schools from 10:00am - 12:00pm. Please communicate with the principals if you have travel issues.
I will give an update again next Thursday on utilities as we continue to take it week by week and do the work that we are called to do.
All the best to each of you!
Kathy Amos