YCS Bus Route Information

Good evening, this is Mr. Byland with some updates for the week from East Yancey.
We will have an Open House from 2-5:30 on Thursday. We hope to see everyone there. School resumes Nov 18th on a two hour delay. The doors of EY will open at 9:30am.
Thanks, and as always, GO PANTHERS!

Upcoming Open House Events

Good afternoon Students and Parents,
Our counselors and community partners want to reach as many families as possible with the following form to receive help for Christmas. We have a huge amount of sponsors for Christmas this year and want to get this information out to everyone that needs it.
Deadline to have the form submitted before November 25th.
Pick up of gifts will be at the Burnsville Town Center on December 16th.
Please fill out the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5MJLIgpRs__L_Ubdh2HgYBLf2jJJNdVj0FdLIEQgfU9xDqA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight!

Good evening, this is Mr. Byland with some updates for the week from East Yancey.
We will have sports tryouts this week. Boys basketball tryouts are Monday 10-12 and girls basketball tryouts are 1-3.
FBLA will meet on Monday and Wednesday from 10-11:30 to work on their regionals.
Thanks, and as always, GO PANTHERS!

Good evening, this is Mr. Byland with some updates for the week from East Yancey.
I hope all of you are doing well and continuing to recover from this disaster. I hope to see all of you soon!
Monday and Wednesday, from 10-3, our health center will be open to students for sports physicals, immunizations, medical checks & counseling services.
This week we will begin some sports activities.
Friday, we will have a volleyball game with the EY volleyball team playing parents and some faculty at 2pm in the EY gym. There will be no admission fee and we will have a donation box to support EY families that have lost their homes.
Open gyms
Cheer - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10/29-10/31 11:00-1:00.
Girls basketball - Tuesday 10/29 and Thursday 10/31 1:30-3:30
Boys Basketball - Monday 10/28 2:30-4:30. Wednesday 10/30 10:00-12:00
Boys basketball tryouts - 11/4 3 - 5:00
Girls basketball tryouts - 11/4 1 - 3:00
Cheer tryouts - 11/1 11:00-12:30
Thanks, and as always, GO PANTHERS!

Updated resources from PATH 10/24/24

Good evening, this is Mr. Byland with some updates from school.
Please come by East Yancey to collect any home supplies you may need before Friday. We miss all of you and would love to see you. We are open for supply pick up 9am-3pm.
From our sport's section:
You must have a current physical and be signed up on Final Forms prior to tryouts. If you do not have internet or a computer, come to East Yancey and we will help you do it.
Boys tryouts - 11/4 3 - 5:00
Girls tryouts - 11/4 1 - 3:00
Cheer tryouts - 11/1 11:00-12:30
Open gyms
Cheer - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10/29-10/31 11:00-1:00.
Girls basketball - Tuesday 10/29 and Thursday 10/31 1:30-3:30
Boys Basketball - Monday 10/28 2:30-4:30. Wednesday 10/31 10:00-12:00

Boys tryouts - 11/4 3 - 5:00
Girls tryouts - 11/4 1 - 3:00
Cheer tryouts - 11/1 11:00-12:30
Open gyms
Cheer - Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10/29-10/31 11:00-1:00.
Girls basketball - Tuesday 10/29 and Thursday 10/31 1:30-3:30
Boys Basketball - Monday 10/28 2:30-4:30. Wednesday 10/31 10:00-12:00

Trick or Treat on Main Street!

Four comfort stations are currently open in Yancey County, providing essential services such as laundry, showers, and restrooms. When visiting these stations, please bring necessary supplies like towels, toiletries, and laundry detergent to ensure you have everything you need.
East Yancey Middle School
285 Georges Fork Rd, Burnsville, NC 28714
677 W E U.S. Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville, NC 28714
Pensacola Free Will Baptist Church
10115 NC-197, Burnsville, NC 28714
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
20 Summit Street, Burnsville, NC 28714

MHHS Sports Updates!
Thurs, 10/17 - 3:30pm Cross Country Conference Meet @ Madison High
Sat, 10/19 - 10:30am Men's Soccer vs Avery (at Madison High)
Sat, 10/19 - 1:00pm Varsity Football vs Avery (at Madison High)

10/8/24 Point of Distribution Sites:
Reconciliation House
Roses Parking Lot
West Burnsville Baptist Church (Pick up only)
Shoal Creek Baptist Church
Cane River Middle School
South Toe Elementary School
South Estatoe Baptist Church
Browns Creek Baptist Church
Bee Log Baptist Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Mine Fork FWB
Blue Rock Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
Local Fire Departments:
Newdale Fire Department
West Yancey Fire Department
Double Island Fire Department
Animal Feed:
Davis Farms
Barn Charm
Yancey County Humane Society has dog and cat food available

UPDATES 10/05/2024
Thank you all for your amazing display of love for our community over the past week. Yancey County is a wonderful place with the very best people! We also thank you for understanding that this is a rapidly evolving situation and information can change very quickly. Below is the most recent list of places to drop off donations and pick up supplies.
Points of Distribution:
Shoal Creek Baptist Church
Cane River Middle School
South Toe Elementary School
South Estatoe Baptist Church
Browns Creek Baptist Church
Bee Log Baptist Church
Also enjoy these pics of our amazing students help unload supplies. #yanceystrong

Sites to drop off or pick up supplies between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Burnsville Elementary
Blue Ridge Elementary
South Toe Elementary
Cane River Middle
Outside of the above times, you can drop off or pick up supplies at:
West Burnsville Baptist Church
South Estatoe Baptist Church
Browns Creek Baptist Church
Bee Log Baptist Church
**No sites are accepting or housing any products that contain codeine**
All clothing donations or needs should go to the old Burnsville gym.

We have amazing students and staff members who are helping serve at our shelters. This is what community is all about 💗

Because there are still so many families in need and our infrastructure is still being worked on: power, water, sewer, internet, roadways, buildings and rescue efforts. YCS will remain closed all next week for students, faculty & staff.
Any employee who is able to come work at our schools should contact your principal or report to Blue Ridge Elementary for possible assignments.
Anybody who needs supplies can pick them up at West Burnsville Baptist Church, Altec, local fire departments and Burnsville, Blue Ridge or Cane River Schools.

Go to your local fire department for supplies & assistance. Any staff or families that are venturing out can stop by any school except Micaville Elementary & MHHS to leave a message so we know you are safe.

Schools are closed all week. We will give an update by 4pm on Thursday. Staff who are able to safely travel may try to contact your principal or report to Blue Ridge Elementary or Cane River Middle School to help work.