ELA Title One Night
about 14 hours ago, William Byland
ELA Title One Night
1-28-2025 Two Hour Delay
about 20 hours ago, Yancey County Schools
2 Hour Delay
ELA Night
1 day ago, William Byland
ELA Night
1-27-2025 OTWD
1 day ago, Yancey County Schools
1-27-2025 Closed
1-27-2025 3 Hour Delay
2 days ago, Yancey County Schools
YCS on 3 hour delay for 1-27-2025
Week at a Glance January 27-31 Good evening, this is Mr. Byland for East Yancey with a few important announcements, Students need to complete their remote day work if we have remote days so that they do not fall behind on their grades. If you need internet access, please contact the school as always. The 8th grade parent night at Mountain Heritage is Feb 10 from 5 to 6:30. From our sports section: Softball will have open field on Tuesday and Wednesday. Soccer will have open field at Mountain Heritage on Wednesday. Parents will need to pick soccer players up at the high school at 5pm. Thanks and as always, GO PANTHERS!!
4 days ago, William Byland
1-24-2025 One Hour Delay
5 days ago, Yancey County Schools
1-24-2025 One Hour Delay
1-23-2025 One Hour Delay
6 days ago, Marie Anglin
1/23/2025 one hour delay
1-22-2025 Remote Learning Day
7 days ago, Marie Anglin
1/22/2025 Remote Learning Day
1-21-2025 Remote Learning Day
8 days ago, Yancey County Schools
1-21-2025 Remote Learning Day
Week at a Glance January 20-24 Good evening, this is Mr. Byland from East Yancey with a few important announcements, There is no school on Monday. On Tuesday, all of our sixth graders will receive new Chromebooks. We are very excited about this. If you would like to pay for insurance, if you have not already done so this year, you can pay $20 for the insurance. All sixth graders need to make sure that they bring their Chromebook and chargers to school on Tuesday to complete this exchange. Thanks and as always, GO PANTHERS!!
12 days ago, William Byland
1-16-2025 One Hour Delay
13 days ago, Yancey County Schools
YCS 1-16-2025 One Hour Delay
Good evening, this is Mr. Byland with a quick announcement, Report cards should be brought home by your student this evening or tomorrow evening. If you are picking up students in the afternoon, it is critical that you line up two by two using both lanes. This prevents issues to you and others by being out on 19. In the mornings, this is also essential for the same reason. Thank you and as always, go panthers!
14 days ago, William Byland
1-15-2025 Two Hour Delay
14 days ago, Yancey County Schools
YCS 2 hour delay
1-14-2025 Three Hour Delay
15 days ago, Yancey County Schools
1-14-2025 YCS on a 3 hour delay
1-13-2025 Teacher Workday
16 days ago, Yancey County Schools
1-13-2025 YCS closed. Teacher workday
1-10-2025 Remote Learning Day
19 days ago, Yancey County Schools
1-10-2025 Remote Learning Day
1-9-2025 Two Hour Delay
20 days ago, Yancey County Schools
YCS will be on 2 hour delay and reassess  road conditions in the morning
1-8-2025 Closed
21 days ago, Yancey County Schools
1-8-2025 YCS Closed
1-8-2025 Two Hour Delay
21 days ago, Yancey County Schools
1-8-2025 YCS on 2 hour delay