1-9-2025 Two Hour Delay

1-8-2025 Closed

1-8-2025 Two Hour Delay

1-7-2025 YCS Closed

Due to weather concerns, we will be closing the event this evening early. We will have another opportunity on Sunday from 1-5pm for families to come out and get some awesome gifts!


Remember to shop local this holiday season so we can remain YANCEYSTRONG!


Weekly Call Home Dec 16-20
Good evening, this is Mr. Byland with some updates for the week from East Yancey.
This week is spirit week : Monday is merry and bright, Tuesday is Tree-Mendous, Wednesday is Winter Wonderland, Thursday is Tinsel and Tunes, and Friday is festive friends. Friday is a half day of school. Friday from 3-8pm, a group will be serving free barbeque, giving out free gifts to any child that attends, and having a meet with Santa. Come on out and have some fun with us!
From our sport’s section:
Monday wrestling is at East Yancey and the basketball tournaments for both girls and boys will be away.
Thanks, and as always, GO PANTHERS!



12-12-2024 Two Hour Delay

12-11-2024 Remote Learning Day

Good evening,
For our trip tomorrow: 8th graders will bring their book bags, but 7th and 6th will leave them at home. All students staying at school instead of going on the trip will need to bring their book bags and computers.
8th grade parents as well as parents with multiple children at the school, will pick their student up at EY.
7th graders will be picked up from Shoal Creek Church.
6th graders will be picked up at Burnsville elementary.
Students are allowed to bring their cell phones but no game systems.
Thanks and as always, Go Panthers!

Weekly Call Home Dec 9-13 Good evening, this is Mr. Byland with some updates for the week from East Yancey. EYMS will have its field trip to the Barter Theater on Tuesday. We must have all field trip permission forms turned in by 3pm on Monday; no exceptions due to trip planning requirements. Students will be picked up by parents at 6pm at the following locations by grade: 6th Grade will be picked up at Burnsville Elementary. 7th grade will be picked up at Shoal Creek Church. 8th graders will be picked up at EY. Students that also have a sibling at EY, will be picked up at EY as well. All students will need to be picked up at 6pm. No buses will take children home. Due to recent generous donations, the food costs for the field trip to the Barter Theater is funded by local donors. If you have already paid $10 for the field trip, and would like to donate that toward the fund, let your student's Homeroom teacher know, or we can refund your student. From our sport’s section: Monday, basketball is at Cane River and Thursday, Basketball is at home. Thanks, and as always, GO PANTHERS

12/6/2024 YCS 1 Hour Delay

12/5/2024 - Remote Learning Day

The basketball game will still take place with 8th grade night tonight at 4pm.
The PTO meeting will be rescheduled.

12/4/24 Remote Learning Day

12-3-2024 YCS Closed - Teacher Workday